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ATS Music is The Circle's Edge, Inc. music label.  Our music covers a range of genres from dance, neo soul, ambient, and pop, to hip hop dance and alternative rock.  Our CD's are from talented artists who can't easily hide and fit into mainstreams mold of music.  Easily shelved by many labels, we intend to penetrate this zombiefied market with a smack of diverse, un-moldable music, which can't easily be Pigeonhole into some neat little niche.





ATS Music Catalog:



·                    Ambient Waves - A relaxing collection of ambient mood music and ambient trance/groove.  This is an excellent CD to meditate with, stretch to, or do yoga with.  Or you can simply just curl up to and relax with, accompanied by a thick latte and a good book by the fire.  This CD is in production and should be released sometime in mid-October or early November 2005.  You can preorder your copy for only , plus Shipping & Handling.



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·                    Prance and Groove - A house thumping, jam spinning, groove oriented dance CD worthy of dancing to, exercising with, or just plain jamming.   This CD is from a collection of various musicians and artists.  We also will release 12" dance tracks for DJ's to spin at the clubs, so all DJ's, Check This One Out!!  If you know any DJ, alert him/her of this release.  This CD has songs worthy of black underground house clubs, ambient underground jazz clubs, International European house crowds, and any other person who likes to dance, jam, and groove!  This CD is in production and should be released sometime in mid-November or early December 2005.  Just in time for CHRISTMAS!!   Get your presents early!  You can preorder your copies today for the DJ, aerobics teacher, or club goers in your circle of life!  You can preorder your copy for only , plus Shipping & Handling.



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·                    Collaborations - This is a collection of collaborated songs by various diverse artists.  Their message and lyrics are inspired by The Circle's Edge, Inc. Awareness Campaign on Tolerance, Self-Image, and Ability .  Groove to inspirational, poignant, lyrics, way ahead of their time, sang to Hip Hop dance, folk, Neo Soul grooves, and even Go-Go Rock!!    Jam, rock, and be encouraged and motivated to make a difference inside of you, around you, and in the world.  You soon would be able to preorder your copy for only , plus Shipping & Handling, or Sponsor your Copy TODAY for only , including Shipping & Handling, and HELP a WORTHYWHILE CAUSE!!



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Help a Good Cause, BUY SOMETHING!!